11:23 am
University of Arkansas
Age: 20
Hair has always been an issue for me. I can never decide what I want from it and I am extremely lazy. If I had the option I would leave it surrounding my head in all it's soft poofy gloriousness. But, due to the pressure of society and all that good stuff I feel the obligation to do something it.
For some reason my sophomore year of high school I dyed it red. This was one of the worst mistakes I have ever made. It is such a pain to dye hair month after month. Especially red because it fades so fast. I kept all the layers and the swooping bangs that my mother so lovingly christened "The Chunk of Doom". It was nice, everyone said it looked natural and I liked it but oh the agony of keeping up with it.
Summer before senior year I hacked it all off. About six inches of hair were mercilessly removed in an effort to make things easier. I lived in Texas and the summers were brutal. Having flowing long hair is nice, until it is soaked in sweat and sticking to the back of your neck every single time you walk out of the door. I absolutely loved this haircut, but it only lasted about 5 months before I needed to do something more with it.
ENTER THE PIXIE CUT!!! Emma Watson is a goddess and the inspiration for this lovely idea. It was so shockingly different from anything I had ever done. I always thought that short hair was for older women, like our mom's and teachers (if you get that quote we can be best friends, if not educate yourself on good movies). It was short and effort free! All I had to do was straighten the sideburns and bangs because of my hair's never ending attempt to create uneven waves. I kept it this way for a while. I never had it trimmed to keep the style though. I just let it grow out.
Here comes College, with a vengeance!
The blue. Oh the lovely blue. It was my stupid ass idea to color it again (clearly I am an idiot who refuses to learn from anything I do). Cut wise I went back to my bob and I loved it. But the blue was that inevitable first step towards rebellion (swiftly followed by a nose ring and a Harry Potter tattoo). This stupid color would not leave my hair for anything. It took months and months and several attempts to dye over it. Word of advice, DON'T COLOR YOU HAIR WITH STRAIGHT PIGMENT UNLESS YOU HAVE PATIENCE! And the ability to stay with a hair style for longer than a few months.
So, here we are now. Summer of 2014, junior in college. My hair is a mess and is a cross between red and brown with Lord only knows what color growing out of my roots. I have no idea what I am doing with it. Part of me says that 'I am growing it out to achieve a more feminine look and have options' and another part of me says 'I am so lazy and getting a hair cut requires putting on real pants and leaving the house'. I am just back in that circle of indecision and laziness. That last sentence can pretty much describe my life. This just got deep, watch out every body.
Here you are. My hair story. I don't have any problems or illnesses related to it. I just have a lot of experiments and different styles. It is all temporary isn't it? If there is something you want to do, GO FOR IT. It's just hair, it will grow back . . . eventually.
I leave you with a picture and all my love,
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