Tuesday, July 8, 2014


July 8th, 2014
11:36 am
University of Arkansas
Age: 20


You know what I hate more than almost anything? Like, more than I hate racists and Nazi's. Sexist people who believe women are inferior. 
I mean, even Hitler allowed women into the Nazi organization. Ever heard of the League of German Girls? Apparently most politicians haven't.
This makes me mad to the point where I won't think correctly. My vision goes red and I want to smack people. Just complete beat down. 
Here is another thing. Why is 'Feminism' a negative word? Yes, I believe women are just as good as men. Yes I believe the we should all be equal. Yes, I believe I am smarter than a lot of males, and females, I have met. That's not a negative thing. Feminism isn't a bad thing, it is simply a woman standing up for herself or the men who will stand up with her. 
It kills me that in this day and age that women don't get paid the same amount for doing the same job. I hate that most of the high paying professions and positions of power have been, are, and will continue to be controlled by men. I hate that a MAN can make a decision about a WOMAN's body. 

     Actually, time out. 
   I hate that any person can make a personal private decision for another person.

Hop of Mr. Asshat Politician. I can do whatever I damn well please and there is nothing you can do about. SUCK IT! 
GTFO Mr. CEO Bossman. If I don't want to have a baby I am going to take my birth control and you can deal with it. 
Back up dude. Just because you are a man and I am a woman does not mean you are entitled to me. No where in the world does it say that I am required to marry you, bang, and have your children. Back off before I beat you senseless.  

1. I am a living breathing human being. 
2. I happen to have reproductive organs that identify me as a female. 
3. I DO have feelings, thank you very much. 
4. I am capable of making decisions for myself. 
5. Those decisions can be any or all of the following . . .
     1. I want to be single.
     2. I don't have to have kids.
     3. I can take any measure to prevent that from happening. 
     4. If it does happen, since men seem to be able to run away scott-free from a pregnancy I should      be able to as well. 
     5. Any hundreds of other decisions that I can't think of in my current state of blind rage.
6. I am not weaker or dumber than you. 
7. My body is not specifically designed to have a baby. 
    It changes to do that, and after it will never be the same.
8. Leave me alone and I wont beat the shit out of you. 

Moral of the story is: 
I can do anything any man can do. And I can do it in a pencil skirt and heels. I can do it in basket ball sorts and flip-flops. I can do it in combat boots and a military uniform. I can do it with a doctorate degree. I can do it with a baby on my hip and a minivan. 

Listen up men, men who think they hold power over me. Men who think I am weak and inferior. 

#22-Best Heroine-Elsa- She had to hide who she was almost her whole life. That is pretty hard to do.

You don't own me.
You never have and you never will.

I am not a 'bitch' because I stand up for myself and my fellow women. 
But hey, if that is what you want to call it then I am down. 
I am a Bitch, a Feminist, and a fighter for Equality.

Go screw yourself assholes, because you don't control me.

Elsa (gif)

Sorry for the swearing, rage blackouts do that. 

I leave you with my extremely rage filled love and pictures with wise words from people way smarter than me, 


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