Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Attack on Titan Supernatural AU

          Titleless Attack on Titan Fanfic

This was a prompt I saw on Tumblr, it was posted by destineytots  and I decided to try my hand.

            “Alright everyone, let’s gather in the circle.”
A tall blonde man named Erwin sat in his chair at the head of the circle and patted the seat of the one next to him. The rest of the group turned to face Erwin, each eyeing one if the chairs. Seventeen chairs for seventeen people.
            “Come on y’all! Don’t be scared!”
The group switched focus to the woman who had just spoken. She flopped down onto the seat Erwin had indicated looking infinitely more comfortable than any of the others.
            “My name is Hanji, by the way. I am a witch! What else, I am 30, I am from Texas, I just recently moved here, and I am a doctor.”
Some of the others gasped. Most SN’s didn’t work in close contact with humans, if they worked at all.
            “Ha! I get that reaction a lot. Being a doctor allows me to use my magic freely and call it medicine. To be more specific, I am a pediatric surgeon. I deal mostly with children who are victims of SN attacks. That was what I studied in college.”
All fifteen other people in the room gaped at her. This woman was an anomaly in the SN world.
            “Thank you Hanji,” Erwin clapped his hands together. “Let’s all follow her example and get to know one another.”
The others sat down nervously and promptly looked at the floor. One boy looked around with a very upset look on his face.
            “You, over there. What’s your name?” Erwin had turned in his chair and looked towers Armin.
            “Me?” Armin focused on Erwin and pointed to himself. Erwin nodded, “My name is Armin. I am 22, and I am a son of Cupid. I, like Ms. Hanji, work closely with humans. I am a school counselor. It works with my powers so I can help people feel better.”
            “Thank you Armin! How about someone else?”
            Armin raised his hand, “Actually, Mr. Erwin? Can I try something? I noticed a lot of negative feelings when everyone sat down. Would it be alright if I tried something?”
            Erwin looked around the circle, “No one is objecting, go for it.”
Armin closed his eyes and smiled. As his smile spread the feeling in the room lightened. The other group member looked up at each other. Some of the people uncrossed their limbs and a few actually smiled with Armin. Erwin and Hanji began to clap.
            “That was excellent! Is everyone feeling better?”
The group nodded and a few spoke words of agreement.
            “Alright, who’s next?”
A small man with an undercut re-crossed his legs and put both arms behind his head, “Why the fuck not? I’ll go. My name is Levi, I am 28, and I am a vampire.” He smirked and licked his front teeth to draw attention to his fangs. He chucked as some of the group grabbed their throats, “I love it. SN’s actually afraid of another SN. Don’t you little shits worry, I fed this morning. Well, it would have been midnight to you guys. Anyway, I don’t have a real job like those two over there.” Levi casually tossed a hand in Armin and Hanji’s direction. “Since I can’t be out in the sunlight without fucking roasting I stay at home and write in my coffin.” He laughed darkly at the last bit and put his hand back behind his head.
The group glanced around, too scared to look at the man who just spoke. For someone so small he scared the hell out of everyone.
Armin spoke up, “Excuse me sir, not many people have every actually seen a vampire. But your tone and laughter I am guessing that you don’t actually sleep in a coffin.”
“No shit Sherlock, we’ve got a real genius here folks. No, vampire’s don’t sleep in coffins. I sleep in my fucking bed like everyone else. Someone else go, my turn is over.” Levi looked pointedly at a lanky boy directly across the circle from him. The boy locked eyes with Levi and smirked, Levi raised an eyebrow in return. “You, what the hell’s your name?”
The boy winked at Levi, “My name is Eren. I am 22 and I am an incubus.”
“Hot,” Levi winked back.
Erwin cleared his throat, “Continue please, Eren.”
“What else is there to say?” Eren tapped his chin, “I just finished school. I’ve been doing it online. There really isn’t anything else to say. Somebody else go.” Eren once again locked eyes with Levi.
            “My name is Historia! And this is Yimr.” The small blonde girl next to Eren smiled and then gestured to the girl next to her. Historia shook off her jacket and a pair of opaque light blue wings sprouted from her shoulder blades. “I am 19 and I am a fairy! I hope no one minds my wings being out; they get sore when I have to keep them covered up.”
            Hanji gasped and clapped her hands, “They’re beautiful Historia! I love fairies!”
            “Thank you Ms. Hanji,” Historia blushed a looked down at her hands folded in her lap. “Yimr always tells me to be proud of them but they scare some people.”
            A loud laugh came out of the girl named Yimr, “You should be proud of them babe! And yeah, I am Yimr. I am 24 and a river nymph. Historia and I live together here in town. She is a model and I am her agent. Alright, Freckles your tu-“
            “Can we take a pause? I am starving!”
            Levi looked to the girl next to him who was bouncing up and down, “What the fuck is up with you?” He scooted far away from her in his chair, only stopping so he didn’t fall off.
            “Would you mind introducing yourself first?” Erwin looked at the girl and she sat back in her seat.
            “That works. You can probably all tell what I am since my eyes are getting red. I am a ghoul. A 22 year old ghoul named Sasha. I am a chef.”
Historia clapped he hand over her mouth and Armin crinkled his nose.
            “That is fucked up. I may be a vampire but even I don’t do that sick shit.” Levi closed his eyes and shook his head.
Sasha looked confused.
The boy next to her, a shorter guy with a shaved head, slapped her on the back, “Sasha, right? They think you cook humans . . .”
Sasha’s eyes grew large, “Oh no! No, no. I don’t cook people. Cooked meat is disgusting! I cook food for humans! I work at a casino, there is a large supply of people I can eat that go casinos.”
Eren looked appalled, “Holy shit.”
 Armin blinked furiously, “That’s . . . interesting.”
Levi just laughed, “That is seriously brilliant.”
Sasha panicked, “No. I mean . . .  when people lose all their money . . . some commit suicide . . . I eat what’s left . . . umm.”
Hanji looked at her fascinated, “Please, go on.”
Yimr shook her head, “For the love of some useless deity shut up.”
Krista gagged.
The same boy clapped her on the back of the head, “Sasha, you aren’t helping yourself.”

Erwin stood up, “I think now would be a wonderful time for a break.”

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Colbie Caillat - Try

July 16th, 2014
Fayetteville, AR
3:51 pm
Age: 20

Colbie Caillat - Try

This is probably one of the most powerful videos I have seen in a long time. I love the message it has and I love that you can see the women take their make-up off. It shows how much stuff is pilled on our faces. It is unbelievable and actually kind of gross. 
Don't get me wrong, please don't. I love make-up! I think it is so much fun! I have tons of friends who are make-up gurus (Megan, Daniela, and Natalie, I am looking at you loves!). They are so pretty and so gifted with this art. Because that is what make-up is. Make-up is art. But that isn't the message this video is trying to send. 
It also isn't trying to show that women wear make-up for MEN! Don't you dare be so selfish to say that I wear my lipstick, eyeliner, and mascara to get you all hot a bothered. I don't give a damn what you think. I wear make-up to impress other girls more than anything. It is a competition. That is what the video is talking about. 
Women are other women's worst enemies, along with ourselves. I compare myself so much to other women. It doesn't really even cross my mind that men will notice too. I want to look just as good as those other girls. I want my skin to be just a clear as theirs. I want my eyelashes to be as full and long. I want to be as thin. But you know what? That probably isn't what they really look like. Sometimes, I just can't help it. 
Now, I know this has sounded pretty sexist. Suck it up for now, okay? This video isn't about men or their views so anyone who tries to bring up men's rights and their pressures needs to sit down for a moment. This isn't about men, let us have our turn. 
I wear heals to impress other girls. I wear make-up so they acknowledge that I am just as pretty as them. I wear these close so that I fit in with what other women say is 'beautiful'.
This video is about destroying that. Destroying what someone else tells you that you need to look like. 

Don't listen to those girls. Don't listen to those boys. Don't listen to those shows. Don't listen to that magazine. 

Do you like you? Because that is what matters. 
People are going to say that I am a hypocrite and whatever (haters gonna hate. no matter what). Yes in most of my Facebook photos I have make-up on. I have a make-up board on Pinterest. So what? 
But here, I know I posted this photo a couple days ago when I got my hair cut . . .

. . . yes, I have make-up on. My nails are done, my piercings are in. I thought I looked pretty damn cute. But no, this isn't what I look like when I wake up in the morning (unless I am lazy and just didn't take my make-up off the night before. Don't judge. All women have done it!) 
But here. I did it. I took a 'selfie' with no make-up, hair naturally dried, all I did was comb it a little when I got out of the shower. Here it is lovelies. This is what I look like when I get out of the shower, bright and shiny and new again. 

I've got acne, my eyebrows aren't full, my eyes don't stand out, blah blah blah! Who cares! My hair does this adorable little flip when it drys naturally. My cheeks look round and cute when I smile without make-up because I haven't contoured my cheekbones. I CAN RUB MY EYES WHEN THEY ITCH!!!! And I still look pretty damn cute. 

This is what the video is talking about. YOU loving YOU. Not caring about the boys, or girls, or magazines, or celebrities, or TV shows, or Photoshop. 


So, you love you. If that means wearing make-up, you wing that eyeliner! If that means working out, you work those muscles! If that means tattoos, you get those tats! Just love yourself. I know the struggle. Anyone with the history of an eating disorder knows the struggle. It takes work, but you can get there. I have faith in you. 

Also, this is a kick ass song. 

You go Colbie Caillat. I applaud you. 

My rant is over. I leave you all a picture and all my love, 

This is the face I make to bother my mom.
I think it is hilarious, she hyperventilates.

Friday, July 11, 2014


July 11th, 2014
Fayetteville, AR
9:00 pm
Age: 20

The Continued Hair Adventures

So a couple posts ago I did my hair story. You probably noticed that I can't pick a hair style or stay with one for more than a couple month. On Thursday I chopped it all off again! Thank you Mamy for my birthday present!!!

Here it is and all its glory! It is super short on both sides and the back while super long on the top. The amount of hair the lady cut off was enough to make about three wigs. Of course, they couldn't because it wasn't long enough, I just have that much hair. It feel so much better to have short hair in the summer. It is disturbing how light my head feels. 

 Here are some more shots. I am really happy with it. It is awesome. I can make it really cute and take the long part and put it up so that it looks super 50's!

Also, yes that is a lip ring (Mom, please don't hate me for the rest of my life! You know I have wanted one for about 10 years and at least it isn't another tattoo! By the time you see me it will be much smaller and I can get a clear one!)

Anyways, love you all and I leave you with a picture,

This is random and not hair related, but is is FABULOUS!
McGonagall’s exit from Hogwarts. | 22 "Harry Potter" Puns That Are So Bad They're Good

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


July 8th, 2014
11:36 am
University of Arkansas
Age: 20


You know what I hate more than almost anything? Like, more than I hate racists and Nazi's. Sexist people who believe women are inferior. 
I mean, even Hitler allowed women into the Nazi organization. Ever heard of the League of German Girls? Apparently most politicians haven't.
This makes me mad to the point where I won't think correctly. My vision goes red and I want to smack people. Just complete beat down. 
Here is another thing. Why is 'Feminism' a negative word? Yes, I believe women are just as good as men. Yes I believe the we should all be equal. Yes, I believe I am smarter than a lot of males, and females, I have met. That's not a negative thing. Feminism isn't a bad thing, it is simply a woman standing up for herself or the men who will stand up with her. 
It kills me that in this day and age that women don't get paid the same amount for doing the same job. I hate that most of the high paying professions and positions of power have been, are, and will continue to be controlled by men. I hate that a MAN can make a decision about a WOMAN's body. 

     Actually, time out. 
   I hate that any person can make a personal private decision for another person.

Hop of Mr. Asshat Politician. I can do whatever I damn well please and there is nothing you can do about. SUCK IT! 
GTFO Mr. CEO Bossman. If I don't want to have a baby I am going to take my birth control and you can deal with it. 
Back up dude. Just because you are a man and I am a woman does not mean you are entitled to me. No where in the world does it say that I am required to marry you, bang, and have your children. Back off before I beat you senseless.  

1. I am a living breathing human being. 
2. I happen to have reproductive organs that identify me as a female. 
3. I DO have feelings, thank you very much. 
4. I am capable of making decisions for myself. 
5. Those decisions can be any or all of the following . . .
     1. I want to be single.
     2. I don't have to have kids.
     3. I can take any measure to prevent that from happening. 
     4. If it does happen, since men seem to be able to run away scott-free from a pregnancy I should      be able to as well. 
     5. Any hundreds of other decisions that I can't think of in my current state of blind rage.
6. I am not weaker or dumber than you. 
7. My body is not specifically designed to have a baby. 
    It changes to do that, and after it will never be the same.
8. Leave me alone and I wont beat the shit out of you. 

Moral of the story is: 
I can do anything any man can do. And I can do it in a pencil skirt and heels. I can do it in basket ball sorts and flip-flops. I can do it in combat boots and a military uniform. I can do it with a doctorate degree. I can do it with a baby on my hip and a minivan. 

Listen up men, men who think they hold power over me. Men who think I am weak and inferior. 

#22-Best Heroine-Elsa- She had to hide who she was almost her whole life. That is pretty hard to do.

You don't own me.
You never have and you never will.

I am not a 'bitch' because I stand up for myself and my fellow women. 
But hey, if that is what you want to call it then I am down. 
I am a Bitch, a Feminist, and a fighter for Equality.

Go screw yourself assholes, because you don't control me.

Elsa (gif)

Sorry for the swearing, rage blackouts do that. 

I leave you with my extremely rage filled love and pictures with wise words from people way smarter than me, 


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Diary of an Introvert: Coping Mechanisms (the NEGATIVE kind)

July 6th, 2014
12:39 pm
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Age: 20

Coping Mechanisms 
(the NEGATIVE kind)

Today I am going to be addressing some of the things I have noticed that I do when I am having an anxiety spike. I know that it may sound painful or harmful when I talk about it, but I am using this blog as a way to understand and work through my anxiety. It may get a little dark at time, but trust me it will be okay.

Alright, back to coping. 

The biggest thing that I do is also the easiest thing to catch me doing. I tear at the skin on my lips. At this point I don't even know when I do it. I will just be sitting in class tearing a pulling at the scabs. My lips are scarred and flaky. They crack and bleed but for some reason it doesn't matter. It is so satisfying to get that piece of skin off, even if it hurts. I have tried so many things to stop, but when I am really nervous or stressed it comes back. It is the worst when I am sad. When I am watching movies or TV shows and something sad happens I sit there crying pulling at my lips. I have done it since I was very little. My mother and Sid are the biggest ones who look out for me. They will stop me if I am doing it or hold my hand, but it is so automatic and ingrained that when I am alone I just pull and pick until there isn't anything left. I have also realized that I have started pulling a biting with my teeth when my hands are otherwise occupied. 

The other things that I do are along the same line, but they aren't nearly as violent. I scratch constantly, even when I am not itchy. I sit and listen to music or read and I am just scratching away at my chest and my arms. It isn't as detrimental as the lip thing but after doing it for 3+ hours it does start to show side effects. These little red dots appear under my skin in the spots I have been scratching. It never bleeds, nothing can ever be wiped off so it isn't as bad, I don't think . . . It happens mostly on my chest around my collar bone and on the inside of my elbows where your arm actually bends. 

The last thing is something that I have also done for a very long time. I pick at bumps and scabs on my skin. I don't create them, but once they are there I will go to town. I mercilessly attack scabs and pimples. I pick and poke and pop and squeeze until it bleeds. Pain means nothing. It is just so satisfying when the scab comes off or the pimple pops. It is like a wave of achievement. I know it is horrible. 
     "You'll leave your face covered in scars if you don't stop!"
     "Do you want your entire face to look red?"
     "That hurts doesn't it? Why would you do that?"
But for some reason I can't seem to care! Scars are permanent but a long war down the road but that doesn't even matter to me. I just poke and pick and peal and scratch all day long. It gets worse, exponentially worse when I am in a spike, but it just happens normally too. I constantly touch my skin everywhere and because of that I know all the places that I have cuts or bumps and they become other victims in this never ending parade of nervous ticks. 

I realize this was a rather dark post. I am sorry for that, but again, this section of my blog is to help me work through things. If I don't put them out in tangible words they become simple thoughts in my head that sit and get ignored with endless amounts of excuses. 

I leave you with a picture and all my love, 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Iris Empire Chapter One - Broken and Bruised

Chapter 1 - Broken and Bruised

“Hmmm . . .”
The sound escaped my lips before I was even aware. I guess I really did need this. There are few things in this life better than a hot shower. I looked down at my body as the water flowed down.
Holy hell, really?
 I was purple and blue head to toe; it was so bad that it looked like my tattoos had started to blend together. No wonder this shower felt so good. As I lifted my arm up to grab the soap I felt a sharp pain in my right shoulder.
“Gahh,” I tried to move my arm up again, “Ahh, hell! Well, this is great. My fucking arm is broken again.” I slammed the faucet handle down and stepped out of the shower.
“Vixen! Oh my, are you ok?”
I looked to my right and this tiny little thing was running toward me. Her pink pig tales bounced as she slowed herself down.
            “Yeah, hey Lizzy. I am fine. My damned arm is broken, but I am fine.”
She looked up at me, and smiled her adorable little smile. It made her eyes sparkle in a way that seemed really unnatural.
            Seriously, what is up with Users and these huge eyes?
            “How many times will this make it?” Lizzy started counting on her fingers before I could answer.
She giggled as she stepped into the shower stall behind me. I used my good arm to try and dry myself off as she turned the tap on.
            “Oh my Gods!” she shrieked, “How hot do you take these showers?”
            “Ha!” I chuckled as I pulled on my pants, “As hot as I want, thank you very much. Anyway, yes. This marks the seventh time CommanderDongLord had me go fight that stupid thing. He is such an ass.”
            “Your User needs a new name. But why can’t he beat it? Your magic level is totally high enough to take out that giant. If we went there right now I am sure you could take it no problem, even with a broken arm.”
I looked in the mirror and frowned. Not only was a bruised all over my body a nice looking cut starting to scab over on my lip. I flicked it with my tongue and winced. It was still nice and fresh.
            That’s gonna leave a scar. This is just wonderful.
I grabbed Lizzy’s brush and started combing through my hair. As I pulled the brush down it slammed into my shoulder. I let out a little squeak of pain, but Lizzy didn’t notice. She was humming some tune, who knows where she heard it. I turned back around to look in the mirror once more. My hair was parted right above my left eye making my bangs sweep low to the right side of my face. There it joined with the other bits and went down past my collar bone. On the left side the patch above my ear was kept shaved down, the rest was swept behind my neck over my right shoulder. I felt extremely off balance. The only thing I really liked about my hair was the color. From its roots it was shockingly white and as it grew down it faded into purple. The fade was so drastic that the very ends were almost black.
            “I don’t know how you stand it. With water that hot it makes the air outside freezing.” Lizzy shivered as she swiped her hand in front of her. A big holographic display popped up and she began poking away at this now responsive air.
            “Also, I don’t understand why you never use your control board,” she tapped a pixel and her long dripping pink locks suddenly bounced back in her signature spiral pig tales, perfectly dry and styled.
 “It makes everything so much easier. You have your entire closet right in front of you!” she touched a few more pixels and items of clothing appeared in their respective places. She spun around and giggled as her skirt twirled around her.
“Sometimes it amazes me that you have been her as long as I have.” I shrugged my right shoulder trying to sense where the break was.
Ow! Yup, congratulations! You found the break! Right in your FREAKING SHOULDER! No wonder it hurt when I reached for the shampoo . . .
“They only let people room together if their Users are around the same level and they have a similar amount of time in the game,” noticing my wince at the shrug she grabbed my left hand and pulled me along, “Come on, let’s go see Damien. If he can’t fix it right away he should be able to numb the pain.”
I shuffled along behind her as she pulled me out into the hall. Our door slammed loudly as she rushed me towards her boyfriend. The air was much cooler out in the hallway, which didn’t make much sense to me.
            This is a communal living building, why is it so cold?
The hall was lined with doors each one sporting name tags for who it was exactly that lived behind the doors. I spun my head around as laughter erupted behind me.
            “Hey Vixen! Whatcha doing tonight?” the boy slurred.
            “Oi, shut your mouth kid. I would rather be deleted.” I spit back putting as much venom in the words as I could muster, which was not much considering my current state. Nothing had been done about my bruises or broken arm yet and the exhaustion of healing was starting to take over. My eyelids drooped as I bumped into the back of Lizzy.
            “Ow! Whatwasthatfor?” my words all ran together as I could feel myself powering down. Lizzy turned around and caught me before I hit the ground.
            “Damien? It is me Lizzy! Vixen’s user practically killed her. Can you fix her up please? The auto-healing is starting so she won’t fight much this time.” Lizzy was sagging under my weight as she waited for Damien to open the door.
            “Oh my Gods! Did Commander –what’s – his – face make her fight that giant again?” Damien grabbed my right side as Lizzy readjusted her grip on my left shoulder. The both dragged me in his living quarters/floor hospital/alchemy lab.
            “Yeah, he did. This is the seventh time and I think this is the most beat up she has ever been. I don’t think anything has ever been broken before. She is a master at Command-Dodging so usually she can save herself from the worst. I just wish the Users could see what they do to us sometimes.” Lizzy’s eyebrows furrowed as she sat down on a stool by the make-shift gurney.
            “The toughest of us all being handed that kind of a User kills me. She is so strong and so powerful it scares me, but this guy just throws her around like she is some toy.” Damien swung my legs up on the table and began mixing a bowl of something that was supposed to be used to help me, but the smell told me I wanted nothing to do with it.
            “Icanhearyouyouknowandyouareneverthisnicetomeever.” My eyelids fluttered shut as I lost the fight against the power reboot.

            “You won’t remember this when you wake up. I will be just as snarky as ever when you come around.” He stuck a needle into my neck on the right side and I could feel something warm creep under my skin sliding toward the break in my arm. In my one last act of defiance I raised my left arm slightly and bent all my fingers down except for the middle one. I doubt he even knew what the sign meant, but it made me feel better as the reboot took over.

What is Iris Empire?

July 3rd, 2014
11:00 am
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Age: 20

What is Iris Empire you ask?
Well, a few weeks ago and idea came to me in the shower.
"What happens to my characters in MMOs/RPGs when I turn the game off?"
Logically you would think nothing, right? But that is when I had my idea. I started writing the first things that popped into my head. Characters were appearing fully formed with their own personalities and back stories faster than I could possibly write. I am using this post to give you a little bit of a heads up and explain the chapters that I am going to post every now and again.

Iris Empire - It is a new MMORPG (like Guild Wars or World of Warcraft)
Vixen - Vixen/Vix is the highest level character in the game who belongs to the most well known User. She fights with a melee style and uses a scythe for her weapon. She is very head strong and stubborn. She is also the leader of the largest guild in Iris Empire.
Lizzy - Lizzy is the second highest level character in the game. She is Vixen's roommate and her second in command in the guild. She is a mage.
Damien - Damien is Lizzy's boyfriend and a famous doctor among the Players. He is called upon at various times to patch up Vixen and keep her alive.
Jameson - Jay is Vixen's teacher. He teaches her magic and helps her get more control over her skills.
CommanderDongLord - The most famous User in Iris Empire and Vixen's user.